
Call for Paper


This conference welcomes the participation of all practitioners, researchers, teachers and other professionals from all disciplines including applied linguistics, linguistics, Literature, culture, sociology, anthropology, economics, information technology and the like. Their valuable contributions will shape the contents of the journal proceedings, enriching through the perspectives, the context, the approaches, and the tools that can be used for a thorough understanding, planning, and promoting local assets along the lines of sustainability in environmental, economic, and social terms.

Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:
1. Linguistics
2. Tourism
3. Literature
4. Culture
5. Education

Read more about Call for Paper

ABTR 2022 is the first international conference on Academia-Based Tourism Revival initiated to generate a sort of a hybrid method proposed and tested in relation to the tourism revival process in Indonesia, especially in Banyumas, Central Java following the covid-19. This conference aims to generate collective ideas of researchers, practitioners and policy makers on the sound and strategic solutions to reinvent and revive the tourism sector in the post Covid-19 era in Banyumas, Central Java, Indonesia, and establish the exchange of information on theoretical and applied research among applied linguists, linguists, and other social scientists in the field of applied linguistics, linguistics, letters, culture and other social sciences to reposition the sound roles and contributions of the scientists and researchers involved both in the academic development and economic recovery and sustainability.