Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa <p>Prosiding Seminar Nasional dengan tajuk kolaborasi akademik dosen-mahasiswa merupakan wadah aktualisasi atas atmosfer akademik di lingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Artikel yang dihimpun pada seminar ini terdiri atas berbagai topik dari peneliti-peneliti muda di lembaga akademik secara nasional. Kajian ini merupakan pemikiran kuat yang dihasilkan seluruh penulis di Indonesia dan mampu berkontribusi pada kebutuhan pembelajar terhadap atmosfer riset di setiap perguruan tinggi di Indonesia</p> Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman en-US Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2986-2175 The Contrast between Environment and The Effect on Nuttel’s Perspective in “The Open Window” by Saki (1914) <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This paper contains an in-depth analysis of the setting in Saki's short story "The Open Window" (1914). The short story highlights the importance of one's narrative in influencing the perception and psychological state of the other character in a rural environment synonymous with serenity. This emerging perception is influenced by the manipulation that the character of a girl named Vera performs on the protagonist, Mr. Framton Nuttel. The study employs Lukens' approach in which he argues that the setting of a story may be classified in one of two ways: as a backdrop or as an integral part of the story. Setting as backdrop implies that the setting has little influence on characters, plot, or theme. In line with this setting analysis, the results of the study indicate that Saki not only uses the setting as a backdrop but also as a driving force for the plot and as a means to heighten the conflict in the story. "The Open Window" serves as both a literal and metaphorical element that contributes to building trust, manipulation, and irony. Through Vera’s narrative, the results of this analysis confirm that the setting becomes a tool to explore perception and reality. This paper emphasizes that Saki's strong setting intensifies the psychological tension in the story and highlights the complexity of the relationship between humans and their environment, thereby influencing diverse comments on perception and manipulation.</span></p> Muhammad Mahendra Mujiburrahman Al Amien Rivan Nurcahyadi Cucu Revalina Nurratri Ghita Hapsari Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 3 1 1 9 Depiction of Culture Shock Experienced by Immigrants in Mohja Kahf's "Manar of Hama" <p>Penelitian ini mengkaji latar dalam cerita pendek "Manar of Hama" (2005) karya Mohja Kahf, yang mengangkat topik gegar budaya. Manar dan keluarga kecilnya adalah imigran yang pindah dari Suriah ke Amerika Serikat. Penelitian ini menggunakan elemen intrinsik sebagai pendekatan untuk mengidentifikasi komponen intrinsik, khususnya latar, untuk lebih memahami bagaimana konteks latar berdampak pada karakter utama ketika ia dihadapkan pada perbedaan budaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan MH Abrams, yaitu teori objektif yang berfokus pada analisis makna karya sastra yang berakar pada teks itu sendiri, terlepas dari interpretasi subjektif atau unsur-unsur eksternal. Teori ini merupakan unsur intrinsik karya sastra yang membangun karya sastra itu sendiri tanpa mengaitkannya dengan pengarang, penonton, pembaca, atau alam semesta. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa latar cerita sangat penting dalam menggambarkan hambatan dan upaya Manar dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan baru di Amerika Serikat setelah melarikan diri dari Suriah. Gegar budaya yang dialami Manar berasal dari perbedaan budaya yang mencolok antara kedua negara, yang berdampak pada kondisi emosional dan identitasnya. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa latar dapat memperkuat tema dan konflik sebuah cerita, terutama dalam konteks diaspora dan adaptasi budaya.</p> Miqda Al Auza'i Ashfahany Asyida Adelin Reysha Handiyani Rizqy Noorawalia Febryanni Huda Bueto Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 3 1 10 16 Revealing the Influence of Colonialism Through Setting in Chinua Achebe's “Marriage is a Private Affair” (1952) <p>Chinua Achebe exposes the impact of colonialism through his writing in a short story, “Marriage is a Private Affair” (1952). The story follows Nnaemeka, the protagonist who has been influenced by the modern values brought by the colonizers, going against her father's wishes by marrying Nene, a woman from a different tribe. His decision illustrates the impact of colonialism, where new beliefs and values change and eliminate long-standing customs, causing tension and division within families and communities. Through his writing, Achebe portrays the influence of colonialism on one's character, where they are forced to adapt to the new modern values brought by the colonizers while grappling with the traditions that are deeply rooted in their cultural heritage, leading to an internal conflict between adopting the new ideology and maintaining their culture. This study aims to examine the impact of colonialism based on Homi K. Bhabha's theory that colonialism has created a complex impact on the local culture and identity of the colonized people, resulting in a situation where the original culture is sometimes erased or modified. The method used is descriptive qualitative, where the author collects data from multiple sources. This study found that the impacts depicted in the short story are the emergence of individualism, the birth of multiculturalism, the spread of Christianity, and the worsening of patriarchy. Ultimately, Achebe's short story highlights the deep and complex effects of colonialism on the personal and cultural identities of the colonized.</p> Nadilla Farah Auliana Wahyu Buwono Renanta Eka Wardhani Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 3 1 17 22 Studi Komparasi Gaya Bahasa dalam Puisi ”Sajak Tafsir” dan Puisi ”Sajak Putih” Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono <p>This research aims to compare the language styles used in the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The approach used in this research was descriptive qualitative. Descriptive research describes the subjects and objects of research in novels, dramas, short stories, and poetry. The data collection method used was the comparative method and content analysis. The comparison method is used to compare two or more data to find similarities that will be drawn to conclusions. Meanwhile, content analysis is used to determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts in a text. The comparative method and content analysis were carried out by comparing the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” to analyze the use of language style. The data sources in this research were the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih.” The data in this research were quotations of verses or fragments in the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih,” which use linguistic styles. This research instrument used tools in the form of documentation. Documentation was carried out by collecting literature related to the use of language styles in poetry. The theory used in this research is the theory put forward by Tarigan. In his theory, Tarigan (2013) divides language styles into four groups, namely comparison, emphasis, contradiction, and linkage. Based on the research results, in the poem “Sajak Tafsir,” nine data were found that used language style, while in the poem “Sajak Putih,” three data were found that used language style. So, it can be concluded that the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” by Sapardi Djoko Damono use a lot of comparative language style. The comparative language style used by the author can give a deep impression and meaning and influence the reader.</p> Adinda Rismaya Dewi Memet Sudaryanto Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 3 1 23 28 Poetry in Dystopia: Exploring Allusion in “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury (1950) <p>Allusion is a figure of speech in a literary work that refers to a place name, character, event, or another famous literary work, creating an implied association. In the short story “There Will Come Soft Rains” by Ray Bradbury, published in 1950, there is an allusion to a poem by Sara Teasdale with the same title. The poetic allusion in this story is important because it has a connection to the story that describes an ironic dystopia, where nature will continue without humans. This study used Thomas' theory as its method. He divided allusions into six subsections, one of which is a single reference that refers to a pre-existing concept in an external text, as Ray Bradbury uses in his short story “There Will Come Soft Rains,” which refers to Sara Teasdale's poetry with the same title. The results show that Teasdale's poetry has a significant influence on Bradbury's short story. The themes of both depict the post-apocalyptic awakening of nature in the absence of humans. Teasdale's poetry emphasizes the irony in Bradbury's story, depicting the power of nature in dark contrast, seen in the destruction of a high-tech house by fire. This highlights the powerlessness of humans in the face of the forces of nature and the technology they themselves have created. The interpretation that nature goes on without humans reflects humanity's indifference to the environment. This emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between technology and nature for the sustainability of human life.</p> Nurul Irmah Agustina Ajeng Rahma Puspita Cahya Indah Meylani Hayu Havilah Subekti Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-10 2025-02-10 3 1 29 35 Citra Perempuan dalam Novel Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan Karya Sari Fatul Husni: Kajian Feminisme <p>This study aims to describe the image of women in the novel <em>Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan </em>by Sari Fatul Husni. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method. The source of data in this study was sourced from premier data, namely data obtained in the novel. The data obtained in this study were in the form of information that was used as the object of study, namely every word, sentence, and expression that supports aspects of women's self-image. The data analysis technique used was by analyzing the text in the novel and drawing conclusions. This research instrument was applied by collecting data through observation and documentation in the novel <em>Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan </em>by Sari Fatul Husni by collecting data related to research.The results show the image of a tough woman in the novel <em>Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan </em>by Sari Fatul Husni, which is depicted through personality and behavior such as daring to start something, being determined to win, being steadfast in the face of trials, never giving up, achieving a goal, not being easily influenced by other people, being able to calm the hearts and minds of those around her, being responsible for the family, and having great patience</p> Tri Agustina Ismi Rahayu Memet Sudaryanto Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 36 41 Metaphor Expression in Film US (2019) <p>A metaphor is a figurative expression used to describe something in terms of another phrase. Translating metaphors has always been a challenge; it is due to the fact that metaphors are often deeply influenced by culture. This study discusses the&nbsp;metaphors in the film <em>US</em> (2019). The study attempts to examine the categories of metaphors using a framework proposed by Newmark. A qualitative descriptive method was applied and involved the total sampling approach to analyze all metaphorical expressions found in this study. The results revealed that all categories of metaphor proposed by Newmark were found: dead metaphor, <em>cliché</em> metaphor, standard metaphor, adapted metaphor, recent metaphor, and original metaphor. There were 37 metaphorical expressions identified in total. The findings indicate that the standard metaphor is the most frequently used, with 17 expressions, followed by <em>cliché</em> metaphor, dead metaphor, adapted metaphor, original metaphor, and recent metaphor. The least used category is the recent metaphor with only 2 expressions. The possible reason for this particular finding is that standard metaphors are common in everyday language, making them easily recognizable and understandable to a broad audience. By categorizing these metaphors, the study offers insight into how the use of figurative expression can effectively convey deeper meanings, evoke emotions, and enrich the audience’s experience.</p> Hanny Haliza Nadia Gitya Yulianita Hanifa Pascarina Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 42 46 War Effects on Soldiers and Society Life in “The Sniper” (1923) by Liam O’flaherty <p>War is a humanitarian issue that occurs due to disagreement and happens anywhere. War does not only apply between countries but can also arise between citizens within a country, such as the Irish Civil War, which led to the formation of two camps, Free State and Republic, as told in Liam O'Flaherty's short story entitled "The Sniper." Through its setting, this story indirectly illustrates negative impacts on both the soldiers and the environment where people live in the war era. The current study employed M. H. Abrams’ approach on one of the literary theories based on text, that is, objective theory. He argues that the objective theory is looking at the intrinsic element of the literature, such as setting. It is the element that builds the literary work itself without connecting it to the writer, reader, or to the universe. It can be seen in “The Sniper” that the author focuses on developing a tense atmosphere related to the Irish Civil War. The results show that mental problems such as anxiety, trust issues, and feelings of guilt occur in soldiers as a result of the war, as well as massive changes in the social life of the community environment, which became bleaker due to the close surveillance of soldiers. Civil wars are the most ironic, where people have to fight relatives who have disagreements, which in turn exacerbates divisions and weakens unity. This proves that war is not a good way to solve a problem since everyone involved in it experiences various negative effects.</p> Linggar Putri Pambajeng Nofia Widya Ayunira Deliana Nazifa Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 47 54 Efektivitas Dokumen Profil Perusahaan Berbahasa Mandarin di PT Demei International Indonesia Purbalingga <p>The research was conducted at PT Demei International Indonesia, located in Purbalingga, from September 18, 2023, to February 17, 2024. The background of this research is due to communication barriers between PT Demei International Indonesia and parties in China and Mandarin-speaking investors. The communication barriers are caused by the unavailability of the company’s profile document in Mandarin as an information medium. This research will analyze whether the availability of a Mandarin-language profile document significantly impacts the operational activities of PT Demei. The data collection methods used include observation, interviews, literature review, and internet exploration. In this research, the author also uses a descriptive qualitative method to obtain more valid data. The result of this research is the creation of a Mandarin-language profile document for PT Demei International Indonesia to overcome the obstacles faced by PT Demei, which hinder its operational activities.</p> Marsya Riska Arimbi Dyah Dyah Tjaturrinib Zuyinatul Isro Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 55 60 Manajemen Sekolah Berbasis Kearifan Lokal: Studi Kasus pada Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja <p>This study aims to examine school management based on local wisdom at SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja during the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum. SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja is one of the schools that is very committed to maintaining and integrating local wisdom in its management. This school is located in Sokaraja District, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, which has many traditions and cultures. The advantages of SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja are due to the existence of Local Culture Learning (Batik activity), and it is the only one in Central Java. The approach used is qualitative with a case study method. The data collection technique was carried out by conducting a direct interview with Mr. Heru Santoso, the teacher of the Batik subject. The data of this study are the results of interviews conducted in the form of a speech by Mr. Heru Santoso. Data analysis used listening and note-taking techniques. The results of this study are the implementation of batik local wisdom-based school management at SMA Negeri 1 Sokaraja in the context of implementing the Merdeka Curriculum, forms of batik local wisdom-based learning, strategies in implementing school management based on batik local wisdom, adequate facilities, and infrastructure to enhance the effectiveness of batik local wisdom-based school management in supporting the Merdeka Curriculum, the influence of important parties, and the obstacles experienced during learning.</p> Mei Diana Aulia Memet Sudaryanto Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 61 64 Pelanggaran Prinsip Kerja Sama dalam Podcast Channel Youtube HAS Creative <p>Language is a tool for communication. Communication is needed for human survival. The principle of cooperation consists of four maxims, namely the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relevance, and the maxim of execution/method. In reality, in everyday life, humans often violate these principles. Not only in real life, violations can occur in <em>podcast</em> video uploads on YouTube. One of the YouTube channels that has <em>podcast</em> content is HAS Creative. In a <em>podcast</em> entitled “Bapak-bapak - Alasan kenapa sering ngeshare gambar/broadcast gak jelas di grup keluarga!” there are many violations of the principle of cooperation. This research used a qualitative approach by using a descriptive qualitative method. The data of this research was in the form of utterances that violate the principle of cooperation. The data source of this research was the YouTube video of the “Bapak-bapak - Alasan kenapa sering ngeshare gambar/broadcast gak jelas di grup keluarga!” The data collection technique used a free listening technique. The data analysis technique includes transcribing the data that has been obtained. The researcher sorts the data according to the discussion; the data that has been sorted is then explained and described according to the data obtained. The results showed that there were 38 data of violations of cooperation principles, including the maxim of quantity (6 data), the maxim of quality (8 data), the maxim of relevance (19 data), and the maxim of implementation/method (data).</p> Dwi Laksanita Ramadhania Memet Sudaryanto Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 65 69 Makna Leksikal dan Makna Kultural Sesajen dalam Rangkaian Kesenian Ebeg Banyumas <p>This paper discusses the main problem of the relationship between the meaning of language and culture in Ebeg Banyumas. This research aims to describe the Ebeg Banyumas form and identify the lexical as well as cultural meaning of the offerings used in the procession. The method used is descriptive qualitative with data collection through interviews and documentation. Data was obtained from the vocabulary of the names of offerings used in Ebeg Banyumas art. The conclusion of this research shows that offerings have an important symbolic meaning in the Ebeg Banyumas art series and reflect the cultural values of the local community.</p> Dzulidianty Wahida Khoirunisa Najwa Anisa Aprilia Amanda Saviolla Siti Marhamah novalia ari rahmayanti novalia Gita Anggria Resticka Farida Nuryantiningsih Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 70 78 Bentuk dan Fungsi Aizuchi dalam Dorama Yuru Camp Live Action <p>The purpose of this study is to describe how <em>aizuchi</em> is classified and to describe whether there are differences in the meaning or intent of <em>aizuchi</em> performed verbally and nonverbally. This research used a descriptive research method with listening and speaking techniques with a pragmatic approach. Pragmatics can help in interpreting the meaning contained in each use of <em>aizuchi</em>. This research used the theory of <em>aizuchi</em> definition according to Mizutani &amp; Mizutani (1987), the theory of <em>aizuchi</em> form according to Horiguchi (in Khotimah, 2019), the theory of <em>aizuchi</em> function according to Kubota (in Maghfiroh et al., 2022), the theory of pragmatics according to Leech (1993), the theory of expressive speech acts according to Searle (1979), and the theory of context according to Leech (1983). The research data are pieces of dialog in the drama that contain <em>aizuchi</em> elements and are equipped with the context of their use in conversation. The results showed that a total of 29 <em>aizuchi</em> were performed in episode one, which were classified according to their form and function. This shows that <em>aizuchi</em> is often practiced when dialoguing with others in Japan, so it is important to know the meaning of <em>aizuchi</em> and how it is applied so that communication can run smoothly. Thus, it is hoped that this study can contribute to Japanese language learners who are interested in <em>aizuchi</em> culture.</p> Christian Alvin Subagyo Idah Hamidah Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 79 82 The Use of English in Creating Illustrated Storybook entitled The Story of Banyumas Rare Art Festival <p>This study was written in response to the issues regarding rare art tourism in Banyumas Regency, including the diminishing existence of <em>Buncisan</em>, <em>Gondolio</em>, <em>Bongkel</em>, <em>Gumbeng</em>, and <em>Kerinding</em>, limitations of historical sources, and limitations of information media. Based on these problems, this study focuses on creating a bilingual illustrated storybook (Indonesian and English) to promote rare art tourism in Banyumas Regency and analyze the use of English in its development. This study used descriptive qualitative methods, and the data collection methods employed were observation, interviews, documentation, and direct practice. Observation, both direct and indirect, was conducted to identify challenges in managing rare art tourism. Interviews were carried out to explore the potential, current condition, development, and solutions for enhancing rare art tourism. Additionally, documentation utilized resources from the Cultural Division of the Banyumas Regency Tourism, Youth, and Sports Agency. For creating the illustrated storybook, direct practice was carried out through the writing process in five stages: prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, and publishing. Moreover, to analyze the use of English in this book, genre-based writing theory was applied to determine the generic structure of the narrative text, the language used in the story, and the tenses. As an outcome, a bilingual illustrated storybook titled “The Story of Banyumas Rare Art Festival” was created. The book describes five rare art tourism attractions in Banyumas Regency through concise historical narratives presented in both Indonesian and English. Thus, the book serves as a medium to introduce rare art tourism in Banyumas Regency.</p> Loranda Hapsari Indah Puspitasari Indriyati Hadiningrum Copyright (c) 2025 Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kolaborasi Akademik Dosen-Mahasiswa 2025-02-11 2025-02-11 3 1 83 89