Metaphor Expression in Film US (2019)

  • Hanny Haliza Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
  • Nadia Gitya Yulianita
  • Hanifa Pascarina
Keywords: metaphor, Newmark's theory, US 2019


A metaphor is a figurative expression used to describe something in terms of another phrase. Translating metaphors has always been a challenge; it is due to the fact that metaphors are often deeply influenced by culture. This study discusses the metaphors in the film US (2019). The study attempts to examine the categories of metaphors using a framework proposed by Newmark. A qualitative descriptive method was applied and involved the total sampling approach to analyze all metaphorical expressions found in this study. The results revealed that all categories of metaphor proposed by Newmark were found: dead metaphor, cliché metaphor, standard metaphor, adapted metaphor, recent metaphor, and original metaphor. There were 37 metaphorical expressions identified in total. The findings indicate that the standard metaphor is the most frequently used, with 17 expressions, followed by cliché metaphor, dead metaphor, adapted metaphor, original metaphor, and recent metaphor. The least used category is the recent metaphor with only 2 expressions. The possible reason for this particular finding is that standard metaphors are common in everyday language, making them easily recognizable and understandable to a broad audience. By categorizing these metaphors, the study offers insight into how the use of figurative expression can effectively convey deeper meanings, evoke emotions, and enrich the audience’s experience.

