Studi Komparasi Gaya Bahasa dalam Puisi ”Sajak Tafsir” dan Puisi ”Sajak Putih” Karya Sapardi Djoko Damono
This research aims to compare the language styles used in the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” by Sapardi Djoko Damono. The approach used in this research was descriptive qualitative. Descriptive research describes the subjects and objects of research in novels, dramas, short stories, and poetry. The data collection method used was the comparative method and content analysis. The comparison method is used to compare two or more data to find similarities that will be drawn to conclusions. Meanwhile, content analysis is used to determine the presence of certain words, themes, or concepts in a text. The comparative method and content analysis were carried out by comparing the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” to analyze the use of language style. The data sources in this research were the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih.” The data in this research were quotations of verses or fragments in the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih,” which use linguistic styles. This research instrument used tools in the form of documentation. Documentation was carried out by collecting literature related to the use of language styles in poetry. The theory used in this research is the theory put forward by Tarigan. In his theory, Tarigan (2013) divides language styles into four groups, namely comparison, emphasis, contradiction, and linkage. Based on the research results, in the poem “Sajak Tafsir,” nine data were found that used language style, while in the poem “Sajak Putih,” three data were found that used language style. So, it can be concluded that the poems “Sajak Tafsir” and “Sajak Putih” by Sapardi Djoko Damono use a lot of comparative language style. The comparative language style used by the author can give a deep impression and meaning and influence the reader.
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