Citra Perempuan dalam Novel Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan Karya Sari Fatul Husni: Kajian Feminisme
This study aims to describe the image of women in the novel Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan by Sari Fatul Husni. The method used in this study was a qualitative descriptive method. The source of data in this study was sourced from premier data, namely data obtained in the novel. The data obtained in this study were in the form of information that was used as the object of study, namely every word, sentence, and expression that supports aspects of women's self-image. The data analysis technique used was by analyzing the text in the novel and drawing conclusions. This research instrument was applied by collecting data through observation and documentation in the novel Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan by Sari Fatul Husni by collecting data related to research.The results show the image of a tough woman in the novel Bukan Aku yang Dia Inginkan by Sari Fatul Husni, which is depicted through personality and behavior such as daring to start something, being determined to win, being steadfast in the face of trials, never giving up, achieving a goal, not being easily influenced by other people, being able to calm the hearts and minds of those around her, being responsible for the family, and having great patience
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