Revealing the Influence of Colonialism Through Setting in Chinua Achebe's “Marriage is a Private Affair” (1952)

  • Nadilla S1 Sastra Inggris FIB Unsoed
  • Farah Auliana Wahyu Buwono S1 Sastra Inggris FIB Unsoed
  • Renanta Eka Wardhani S1 Sastra Inggris FIB Unsoed
Keywords: colonialism, impact, culture, values


Chinua Achebe exposes the impact of colonialism through his writing in a short story, “Marriage is a Private Affair” (1952). The story follows Nnaemeka, the protagonist who has been influenced by the modern values brought by the colonizers, going against her father's wishes by marrying Nene, a woman from a different tribe. His decision illustrates the impact of colonialism, where new beliefs and values change and eliminate long-standing customs, causing tension and division within families and communities. Through his writing, Achebe portrays the influence of colonialism on one's character, where they are forced to adapt to the new modern values brought by the colonizers while grappling with the traditions that are deeply rooted in their cultural heritage, leading to an internal conflict between adopting the new ideology and maintaining their culture. This study aims to examine the impact of colonialism based on Homi K. Bhabha's theory that colonialism has created a complex impact on the local culture and identity of the colonized people, resulting in a situation where the original culture is sometimes erased or modified. The method used is descriptive qualitative, where the author collects data from multiple sources. This study found that the impacts depicted in the short story are the emergence of individualism, the birth of multiculturalism, the spread of Christianity, and the worsening of patriarchy. Ultimately, Achebe's short story highlights the deep and complex effects of colonialism on the personal and cultural identities of the colonized.


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