A Critical Discourse Analysis of “The Price of Borobudur” in The Jakarta Post News Report
Critical Discourse Analysis is a method that explores the ideology embedded in a discourse to reveal and bring attention to unfairness, discrimination, and bias within that discourse. The issue of the rise in the price of the borobudur temple tickets is widespread and it cannot be denied that the spread through the news media has become one of the strongest things that influence the perspective of the reader in grasping this. Through this analysis, Critical Discourse Analysis aims to uncover the hidden biases and societal structures that contribute to these forms of injustice in one of Jakarta Post’s news, The Price of Borobudur. This analysis makes use of the systemic functional linguistics' three-dimensional theory developed by Fairclough and Halliday. The way this news story's language is organized so that the reader may grasp its objective and purpose reveals the article's outcomes. As a result of this analysis, there is no bias in the language or terminology used in the news when referring to "the price of." Even though this article only covers one news story, the issues it raises are able to capture the economic and social climate of the neighborhood.
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