Noun Phrase Translation Techniques in the Prologue of the Novel The Da Vinci Code
The purpose of this research is to examine the translation techniques of noun phrases in the prologue of the novel The Da Vinci Code. The descriptive qualitative approach is implemented. The data were obtained from the novel prologue's noun phrase, which is available in both English and Indonesian. The result reveals that there are 9 translation techniques utilized when translating noun phrases. This study discovered 104 noun phrases data. It includes transposition (42), calque (41), amplification (6), reduction (4), particularization (3), established equivalent (3), discursive creation (2), borrowing (2), and literal translation (1). In addition, this research indicates that transposition is the most frequently applied technique, while literal translation is the least commonly applied. Because noun phrases in English and Indonesian are distinguished by distinct grammatical structures, transposition is often used. As a consequence, this study is intended to provide a thorough understanding of the essential significance of translation techniques for achieving an adequate translation. Moreover, this research aims to attract other researchers in similar research by using different theories and method, so that this research is able to provide guidance and become a secondary reading for the outcoming research.
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