Sarcasm Found in Anti Greenwashing Movement Campaign Posters on Beverage Products: A Semiotic Analysis
The aims of this research is to reveal the meaning of signs that represent sarcasm in the Anti-Greenwashing Campaign Posters uploaded by an anti-greenwashing Instagram account called @greenwashmyballs with a semiotic approach. The semiotic theory used to support this research is Charles Sanders Peirce's (1931) theory. In addition to revealing its meaning, this research also reveals the types of sarcasm that are represented. The disclosure of sarcasm types is supported by Elisabeth Camp's theory (2012). This research uses descriptive qualitative method. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample. The researcher found 49 signs classified into 27 symbols, 13 icons, and 9 indexes and all of them represent sarcasm. In addition, the researcher found 3 posters using propositional sarcasm, 2 posters using lexical sarcasm, 2 posters using like-prefixed sarcasm, and 1 other poster using illocutionary sarcasm.
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