Oppression Faced by Kambili in Purple Hibiscus (2003)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bentuk-bentuk penindasan yang terjadi terhadap tokoh utama bernama Kambili dalam novel Purple Hibiscus (2003). Sumber data penelitian ini dikumpulkan dari novel Purple Hibiscus (2003) karya Chimamanda Ngozi Adhicie dan data penelitian ini adalah bukti penindasan terhadap Kambili. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan teori Iris Marion Young tentang penindasan dan teori Patriarki Sylvia Walby. Dalam teori Iris Marion Young, penindasan terbagi menjadi eksploitasi, marginalisasi, ketidakberdayaan, imperialisme budaya, dan kekerasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman Kambili dalam penindasan terwujud dalam bentuk penindasan bahasa dan budaya, ketidakberdayaan dalam pengambilan keputusan, dan kekerasan fisik dan psikologis. Selain itu, tekanan yang dihadapi Kambili juga dilanggengkan oleh ayahnya sendiri yang menganut praktik patriarki yang berdampak pada kurangnya suara Kambili.
This research intended to show the forms of oppression experienced by Kambili in Purple Hibiscus (2003) novel. This novel talks about how Kambili, as the main character, encounters oppression from her father who adheres to patriarchal ideology within the household. To analyze this issue, this research used a qualitative method. Moreover, this research applied Iris Marion Young's theory of Oppression and Sylvia Walby’s theory of Patriarchy to analyze the reason behind the father’s patriarchal ideology and oppressive acts. Iris Marion Young divides oppression into five types namely exploitation, marginalization, powerlessness, cultural imperialism, and violence. The result of this study showed that Kambili only experiences three types of oppression out of the five types proposed by Young’s theory. Kambili's experiences of oppression manifested in form of language and cultural oppression, powerlessness in decision-making, and physical and psychological violence. It was found that the oppression experienced by Kambili was due to the patriarchal value and religious justification examined by her father. In addition, the oppression experienced by Kambili affected her lack of confidence and voice as she was terrified by the punishment from her authoritarian father.
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