Translation Techniques and Quality of Diana: The Musical (2021) Movie Soundtracks Song Lyrics
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis teknik penerjemahan dan kualitas penerjemahan dalam aspek keakuratan dan keberterimaan dari soundtrack film Diana: The Musical (2021) dari versi Bahasa Inggris asli ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Teori yang diterapkan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik penerjemahan oleh Molina dan Albir (2002) sedangkan asesmen keakuratan terjemahan menggunakan teori Nababan et al. (2012). Riset ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Data yang diperoleh dari film Diana: The Musical (2021) memiliki 657 kalimat lirik lagu beserta subtitel Bahasa Indonesianya. Hasil dari penelitian tipe teknik penerjemahan adalah adaptation (4 atau 0,61%), amplification (11 atau 1,67%), calque (34 atau 5,175%), compensation (27 atau 4,11%), discursive creation (1 atau 0,15%), established equivalent (73 atau 11,11%), generalization (7 atau 1,065%), linguistic amplification (30 atau 4,567%), linguistic compression (79 atau 12,024%), literal translation (188 atau 28,61%), modulation (23 atau 3,5%), particularization (11 atau 1,67%), reduction (92 atau 14%), substitution (16 atau 2,43%), transposition (58 atau 8,8%), dan variation (3 atau 0,47%). Literal translation mendominasi teknik penerjemahan. Sementara itu, hasil keakuratan penerjemahan, terdapat 644 data akurat dan 15 data kurang akurat. Hasil dari keberterimaan terjemahan, terdapat 632 data sebagai berterima dan 27 data sebagai kurang berterima. Bisa disimpulkan, hasil penerjemahan tersebut merupakan penerjemahan yang akurat dan berterima.
The research aimed to analyze the translation technique and the quality in terms of accuracy and acceptability of the translation of Diana: The Musical (2021) movie soundtracks from the original English version into Indonesian. The theories applied in this research were the translation technique by Molina and Albir (2002) and the level of translation accuracy assessment by Nababan et al. (2012). The research was conducted with a qualitative method. The data of this research were 657 sentences from Diana: The Musical (2021) movie soundtracks song lyrics and their subtitle in Indonesia. The result showed there were 16 translation techniques, namely adaptation (4 or 0,61%), amplification (11 or 1,67%), calque (34 or 5,175%), compensation (27 or 4,11%), discursive creation (1 or 0,15%), established equivalent (73 or 11,11%), generalization (7 or 1,065%), linguistic amplification (30 or 4,567%), linguistic compression (79 or 12,024%), literal translation (188 or 28,61%), modulation (23 or 3,5%), particularization (11 or 1,67%), reduction (92 or 14%), substitution (16 or 2,43%), transposition (58 or 8,8%), and variation (3 or 0,47%). Literal translation dominated the translation technique. On the other hand, the result for accuracy measurement showed there were 644 accurate data and 15 less accurate data. The result for acceptability measurement showed there were 632 acceptable data and 27 less acceptable data. There were 632 categorized as acceptable and 27 data as less acceptable. Therefore, the translation product was considered an accurate and acceptable translation.
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